We are pleased to announce a call for papers and tutorials for the third IEEE Secure Development Conference (IEEE SecDev) conference on 30 September – 2 October, 2018 in Cambridge, MA, USA. Started by the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative, and now sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, the conference will once again bring together academia, government, and industry to encourage and disseminate ideas for secure system development.
IEEE hosted more than 160 participants at each of the first two SecDev conferences to focus on how developers can “build security in” from the start – and not simply discover the absence of security later. Expanding on that theme, we invite submissions of papers and tutorials on secure system development and design principles. Developers have valuable experiences and ideas that can inform academic research, and researchers have concepts, studies, and even code and tools that could benefit developers. We appreciate your submissions and sharing with colleagues who might be interested in presenting their ideas, research, and experiences.
Authors should submit papers and tutorials by 5 March that present a new direction or future vision of how to build security in for new and existing systems. Suggested topics include:
• Security engineering processes, from requirements to maintenance
• Security-focused system designs (HW/SW/architecture)
• Distributed systems design and implementation for security
• Human-centered design for systems security
• Tools and methodology for secure code development
• Programming languages, development tools, and ecosystems supporting security
• Risk management and testing strategies to improve security
• Static program analysis for software security
• Dynamic analysis and runtime approaches for software security
• Explorations of formal verification and other high-assurance methods for security
• Automation of programming, deployment, and maintenance tasks for security
• Code reviews, red teams, and other human-centered assurance
• Security assistance for software developers and security analysts
NEW this year – Practitioners session abstracts. SecDev provides an integrated forum for researchers and practitioners to share their experiences. We strongly encourage practitioners from the industry and government to submit, to share their security experiences and insights, challenges and obstacles encountered. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to give a short talk during the practitioners sessions at the conference. The abstracts will be included in the conference’s IEEE proceedings.
SecDev Flyer 2018
Call for Papers Download
More conference details are available at https://secdev.ieee.org, with a registration link coming soon. Opportunities to provide support as an IEEE SecDev 2018 donor also are available. For updates, follow the IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative on Twitter at @IEEECybSI (follow the hashtag #IEEESecDev), and like us on Facebook.
Daphne Yao – IEEESecDev 2018 Program Chair
Associate Professor, Elizabeth and James E. Turner Jr. ’56 Faculty Fellow
L-3 Faculty Fellow, Department of computer science
Virginia Tech