IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative Announces Competition for Two New Awards


The IEEE Cybersecurity Initiative is excited to announce the opening of the competition for two new awards:

  • The IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Practice
  • The IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Innovation

These awards will recognize individuals who have generated transformative cybersecurity capabilities and concepts. They will be awarded for:

  • Game-changing ideas that have substantially advanced, or have the potential to substantially advance, the practice of cybersecurity;
  • Approaches for designing or building novel cybersecurity systems whose impact can be quantified in terms of cost, time, and/or effectiveness;
  • Sustained leadership in cybersecurity research, policy, education, and/or enabling of best practices in implementation or engineering;
  • Work accelerating tech transfer of cybersecurity products, toward the enabling of cost-aware, secure solutions.

Winners receive a check in the amount of $1000 and a plaque commemorating their win. The IEEE thanks the MITRE corporation for their generous gift in support of this award.

The following distinguished review board will select the winners:

  • Mark Maybury (chair), MITRE
  • Jonathan Katz (vice chair), Univ. of Maryland
  • Anup Ghosh, CEO Invincea
  • Robert Wisneieff, IBM
  • Donna Dodson, NIST
  • Yoshi Kohno, Univ. of Washington

Nominations Due: 8 August
Decisions: 15 August

To nominate someone for the Award for Practice, expand the instructions below:

Award for Practice Instructions
The IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Practice will be awarded annually for a significant practical advancement in cybersecurity. Nominators must describe a specific cybersecurity practice advanced by the nominee(s), and address the following points:

-What cybersecurity issue does this practice help resolve, and why is solving this problem important?
-Describe the implementation of the practice. How did its implementation lead to concrete improvements in the domain in which it was deployed?
-Describe why the practice has led to, or could lead to, transformative impact in the cybersecurity discipline.
-Brief biographies and/or summaries of other notable work by the nominee(s).
-Nominations may not exceed 1000 words. In addition, nominators may optionally include a single document authored by the nominee(s) (e.g., a whitepaper or peer-reviewed publication) to provide additional details.

To nominate someone for the Award for Innovation, expand these instructions below: 

Award for Innovation Instructions
The IEEE Cyber Security Award for Innovation will be awarded annually for a significant theoretical advancement in cybersecurity. Nominators must describe a specific cybersecurity innovation advanced by the nominee(s), and address the following points:

-What cybersecurity issue does the innovation address, and why is solving this problem important
-How does the innovation compare to prior work addressing similar problems?
-In what way is the innovation truly a breakthrough result?
-Explain how the innovation could potentially lead to transformative impact in the cybersecurity discipline.
-Nominations may not exceed 1000 words. In addition, nominators must include a single, peer-reviewed publication authored by the nominee(s) and clearly indicating the publication venue that describes the innovation.

Send nominations to, cover material described here (PDF).

The awards will be given out at IEEE SecDev 2017 in Boston, MA. For more information about the conference, head over to