IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev) is looking for presenters for 5-minute talks at its inaugural event in Boston (more info here at http://secdev.ieee.org/). Such talks can present innovations, experience-based insights, or a vision. The goal is to share useful and thought provoking ideas, to push forward the art and science of secure development.
See the original call for papers for more information about the scope of submissions.
Submission Details
Submitted abstracts should be 1 page long, not including bibliographic references. Papers must be submitted using the two-column IEEE Proceedings style available for various document preparation systems at the IEEE Conference Publishing Services page at http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
Submit your abstract here: https://secdev16.hotcrp.com/
Important Dates
We encourage submissions by September 15, 2016 (anywhere on Earth). All papers we receive by that date will be given full consideration, with notifications being made by September 20, 2016 (two days prior to the early registration deadline).
We will continue to accept submissions until October 15, 2016, or until the program is filled. As such, please get your submission in by September 15 for the best possible consideration. In summary:
First deadline: Sep 15, 2016
First notification: Sep 20, 2016
Continuing submission deadline: Oct 15, 2016
If you have any questions about submissions, send an email to secdev16-pcchairs@ieee.org.
If you’re ready to go, you can register here: http://secdev.ieee.org/travel/registration/.