Articles in the area of cybersecurity related to the theme of transportation electrification are welcome for the 2016 second quarter IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (TEC) eNewsletter. Topics include but are not limited to, vehicular firmware, Internet-connected vehicles, GPS and navigation security, vehicle-to-grid security, networked vehicular systems, and others.
Submissions should be single-spaced single-column, up to six pages including all figures and references. Content should be similar to magazine articles, and should be submitted to TEC-eNewsletter@ieee.org.
About the TEC eNewsletter
The TEC eNewsletter is a quarterly electronic publication targeted at IEEE TEC members interested in various topics that are related to transportation electrification. Each quarter, the TEC eNewsletter will focus on a theme, and articles will address state-of-the-art as related to that theme. Land, marine, and aerospace transportation applications are all of interest.
The goal of the TEC eNewsletter is to bring global experts from industry, academia, and government, to share early thoughts, findings, and concerns that can trigger further discussions through the eNewsletter itself, in addition to TEC-affiliated workshops, conferences, and publications. News regarding major breakthroughs that can transform transportation electrification, new transforming products, as well as transportation-electrification-related activities are also of interest.
Important Dates for Second Quarter Submissions
Article Submission Deadline: April 30th, 2016
Reviewer Feedback and Decision: May 15th, 2016
Revised Submission: June 15th, 2016
Publication Date: June 30th, 2016